
Errors in the Translated Texts

For information on the sources used in these translations, see the bottom of the French column for each individual work.

     "Le Condamné à mort"

Dedication: "assasin" is a misspelling of "assassin."

Stanza 3: "réceleur" does not have an accent mark above the first "e."

Stanza 5: "des pines": it is unlikely that Genet would have intentionally began his poem with the awkward and out-of-context argot of "des pines du rosier" (penises of the rosebush). Most likely, "des pines" was a mistake made on the part of the printer, an inmate incarcerated for counterfeiting food-ration coupons. All following reeditions of "Le Condamné à mort" include the correction "d'épines."

Stanza 9: "mature" is missing the circumflex above the "a."

Stanza 15: "apuuvre" has an extra "u."

Stanza 22: "noués" is a misspelling of "nouées."

Stanza 47: "dan" is a misspelling of "dans."

Stanza 52: "de là" is a corruption of "delà."

Stanza 53: the circumflex in "roûle" is a mistake.

Stanza 55: "dresé" is a misspelling of "dressé."

Stanza 62: for some strange reason, "assez" (enough), in the "hand-corrected" Bibliothèque Nationale version used in this translation, was scribbled out by the same pen which made the other alterations. This particular alteration makes little sense and is most likely a mistake. However, Genet has been known to intentionally confuse his work -- perhaps for the purpose of bewildering anyone who might pay attention to the differences between his various texts. This mistake, coupled with the oversight of "assasin" in the dedication, could be an indicator of a rush editing job on Genet's part.

Stanza 63: "osbcurs" is a misspelling of "obscurs." There is not supposed to be an accent in "piéd."

Stanza 65: "crane" is missing the circumflex above the "a."

Stanza 66: "épilectique" is a misspelling of "épileptique."

Prose dedication: "Saint-Brieux" is a misspelling of "Saint-Brieuc." "ponr" is a misspelling of "pour." "bénefice" is missing an accent above the second "e."
     "Marche funèbre"

Section IX, i: "étandart" is a misspelling of "étandard."

Section XIII, iii: "Est-toi" was later corrected to "Est-ce."

     "La Galère"

Stanza 8: "Mas" is a misspelling of "Mais."

Stanza 15: "déboués," later changed to "dénoués," is most likely a mistake.

Stanza 21: "toit" should be plural.

Stanza 40: "brancarts" is a misspelling of "brancards."

     "Un Chant d'amour"

Dedication: the accents in Lucien Sénémaud's name were left out.

Stanza 16: "le" was left out of the second line.

Stanza 18: "aves" is a misspelling of "avec."

Stanza 22: in the View version of "Un Chant d'Amour" (1946) as well as in Poèmes (1948), the third line ends with "col de colombes" (neck of doves), rather than "vol de colombes" (flight of doves) -- a correction which was made in Œuvres Complètes (1951) as well as all subsequent versions of the poem. Thus, this translation opts to also view "col" as a misprint of "vol." It
is doubtful that Genet would have strained for such an awkward and out-of-context analogy as "col de colombes" when the much more poetic context of "vol de colombes" was obvious and available.

Stanza 27: "prend" is a misprint of "pend."

     "Le Pêcheur du Suquet"

Strophe 22: "Ou" is missing the accent over the "u."

